Many profess what they know NOT
Obstacles comes and sometimes the tides turn against your favor
When it seems like there is NO Jesus in your sinking ship to calm the storms
It’s all a hopeless case… Like Job
Life comes crumbling down piece by piece

Yet Note this…
Your Worst can never exceed HIS works
Cuz what is meant to destroy you hasn’t
Your life is like a movie, and you’ve been given a clip
For He knows the plans he has for you
And HE’s not done with you yet… So be patient

We were sin…
Made a perfect man taste of a death that we set a table for
Yet, He gladly embraced the cross with its shame
That we become free from the deadly grip of Sin… once and for all
So if you ever claim that God hasn’t been good to you, you’re lying
For you deserve none of that yet He set you a table of honor

So though I be broken, I’m like clay in your hands
For YOU… are not just a GOD but the entirety of all things
You don’t need to give me a Samsung to prove yourself…
Because you’re the GOD of the Galaxy
Seated in a league of your own

So I’m stuck
In a never ending bliss in your arms where… I know I’m safe
Being Complete in YOURSELF
You needed nothing at all from me yet you still care…
Just like a Father cares for his kids
A King for HIS people

Yes… That’s what it is
A day at your feet is better than a thousand years elsewhere
So ye though HE slays me, still will I trust HIM
Above all things, you are KING
The reason I’m alive today


One Comment Add yours

  1. prissymens says:

    Bless you dear, great #Word!


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